Email Help
If you use Time-Warner email, your email from us is likely being trapped by their spam filter. The following steps will outline how to add our domain to your bypass list so you will receive all our emails. While these steps are specific to Time-Warner, the same concept applies to any email provider you may use, you will just need to get the specific steps for your email provider.
1. Go to
2. Log in
3. Checking Junk/Spam Folder: You can click on the “Junk Mail” link in the left column to see mail they’ve flagged as spam/junk… in fact, as I’m typing this I looked in mine and I have an email from time-warner wanting feedback on a service call they made, so obviously their spam filter is pretty useless!
4. Add a domain or email address to the bypass list:
5. Click on “Settings” button
6. In the “Customize mailbox options” section
Click on “Allow and Block Messages” link
7. In the “Allowed Senders and Domains” box enter on a new line. You can also enter a specific email address here as well.
8. Click OK
Questions? Call Brittany Madera (336) 539-5702